My KD-34XBR970 shipped from the factory with a fair bit of overscan… about 10% of the picture on the left and right is cut off, and about 5% on the top and bottom. Sony customer care said they would be more than happy to fix it, but that requires moving a 200lb TV to a local TV repair shop…
You can address the overscan yourself by putting the TV into service mode and adjusting the display parameters. Obviously you can really screw up your TV good doing this, so beware..
To enter service mode turn the TV off then press DISPLAY, 5, VOLUME+, POWER. The current parameter group appears in the top-left and the current parameter appears below it. You can change parameters with 1 and 4, parameter groups with 2 and 5, and the parameter setting with 3 and 6. To save a parameter setting hit MUTING, then ENTER. You have to save each parameter setting individually. I would recommend you write down the default for your TV before you change anything! Here are some parameters I found useful for adjusting overscan:
MID1/DHPH – horizontal position
MID1/DVPH – vertical position
MID1/MDHS – horizontal scale
MID1/MDVS – vertical scale
This worked perfect, directions where right on. I had a vertical overscan on my 34xbr970 of over 2″ on both sides, I contacted a Sony repair center they stated a 7 to 10 percent overscan was normal, that would be about 1.5″ per side that seemed unexceptable to me, I follow these directions and now I have less the a 1/4″ per side the picture is perfect. now I need some help fixing the convergents it is off just a little bit. Thanks for this help.